Friday 27 January 2012

Day 4 - New Realisation

My exam is on Sunday.

And yet I'm calm - or pseudocalm.

Enjoyed the day with my sister today - went shopping and had lunch together. Felt nice.

Yet whenever someone asks me about my studies, I get tensed. My mother-in-law did that today and it resulted in me being jumpy while lying to her that I study all day.

My husband called, and I think I didn't talk to him normally either. What's got into me? Am I worrying about the future too much? Then I found this thought someone shared on facebook:

This is so true! Then I realised, I think too much, maybe if I stop thinking too much, I'll be happy - cos I don't seem to be happy :( Even when my husband told me that he'd booked us a rooftop dinner in a fancy restaurant for this Valentine's day, all I kept worrying about was what to wear! I'm so foolish!

You know what, I think I should change the title of my blog - no one can shape their life exactly as they want it, very few can get very close to living their dream, so it won't do to worry about it all the time. I think it should rather be - Being Myself Day-to-Day. What do you think of it?

Found another wonderful read : The five regrets - Paulo Coelho's Blog

I know its very difficult to keep oneself calm when nothing's going your way, while everybody you know is happy doing things they like. Sometimes, the future does appear hopeless and bleak - you don't want to end up like a cross old woman who's just bitter all the time. No, I don't want to be like that.

So from now on, I'll try to be happy. I'll try to be nice to others irrespective of my bothers. I'll not think much about the future, and I'll try to be happy with what I have, which by the way is wonderful - A doting (and handsome) husband, warm in-laws and my own great family! Add to it an MBBS degree from one of the best colleges and great friends too! And not bad to look at either, as many people have told me :).Okay, now I'm starting to wonder what do I cry about all the time! My life's perfect! All that it lacks is a post-graduate degree, and I'll get that sometime. Till then I need not whine and spoil other people's mood. God, I'm such a whiner. Will try to be cheerful from tomorrow - no more damsel in distress :).

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