Sunday 29 January 2012

Day 5 & 6 - Joy of Freedom

Hi All.

Sorry, for not posting yesterday. Had an exam to prepare for ;)

Well, yesterday ordered a surprise cake for my husband at 8 pm, which reached at 11 pm :( So no surprise was left. Still, the cake was good he said.

Today was my exam. Hadn't studied so you can imagine what it was like.

All of this apart, I want to tell you about the joy of being free. I decided to break myself free from the burden I'd put on myself - of trying to be good at everything. Its not like I've given up, its more like I'm going to take each day as it comes, feel all the time that passes by each second, and cherish each moment I spend with people I love. My sister went back today and so am I - day after tomorrow. Though all this while I was missing my husband, but today the thought of leaving home has already started to make me miss my parents. They're moving too and I don't know when I'll meet them next :(

Sometimes, all the joys in the world you can have for yourself, pale in front of the simple joys of life - like seeing the people you love happy. I always wondered how some people love their career more than the people in their lives. Money can come anytime, and if you're with your family you'll be happy even when you don't have life's luxuries. How can those days ever come back - growing up, learning things from parents, fighting your sister wildly and yet fiercely defending her from others, thinking that your papa is the strongest and most intelligent person in the world (which I still do), demanding from mother to cook 'n' number of special dishes and getting them served to you with a loving smile (all the trouble she took vanishes seeing you like it), and the list goes on. That's why they say - memories are precious. Thinking about all that has brought a lump in my throat. Life is so short. Yet we spend the major part of it running after happiness, all the while forgetting that happiness was right there, by your side.

So take a moment off. Feel the present. Its not going to back again...


Ok, now something for you on a lighter note -

Happy Today!!! :) Take care.

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